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Is Freelancing Difficult: Learnings After 16 Years

January 9, 2024 Freelancing
Is Freelancing Difficult: Learnings After 16 Years

Freelancing is becoming a popular choice in today’s job market. Many people like the idea of being their own boss, setting their own schedules, and working from home. But here’s the big question: Is freelancing difficult?

Pros and Cons of Freelancing

The answer is a bit tricky because freelancing has both challenges and rewards. On one side, it gives you freedom and independence, which is great. On the flip side, there’s no job security, and you have to be good at managing your time.

Financial Realities of Freelancing

One big challenge for freelancers is not knowing how much money they’ll make. Unlike regular jobs with a steady paycheck, freelancers might earn a lot one month and very little the next. This uncertainty means freelancers need to be careful with their money and plan their budgets well.

Time Management and Discipline

Another challenge is that freelancers need to be very good at managing their time. They have to set their own schedules, meet deadlines, and stay productive. Since there’s no office to go to, it’s easy to get distracted, so freelancers need to learn how to manage their time effectively. It’s like juggling work and personal life, you need to be disciplined and focused.

Building a Freelancer’s Client Base

Gaining clients is another tough part for freelancers. At the beginning, it’s hard to find projects because there’s a lot of competition. To succeed, freelancers have to network, create a strong online presence, and do excellent work to build a good reputation and attract clients.

It’s also beneficial to discover a platform or a marketplace for freelancers where you can establish your presence. Theres a lot out there, but for me, that platform is Upwork. I’ve been a part of Upwork for a long time (since 2007), starting when it was known as Elance. But it wasn’t until 2023 (16 years later), that I made freelancing my full-time job. 

Begin by identifying the skills you wish to highlight, focusing on something you genuinely love and aspire to pursue. In my case, I pinpointed a few areas that truly resonate with my passion. I honed my expertise in web development, business development, sales, search engine optimization, and copywriting before committing to turning these skills into something I could sell full-time.

While some might argue that I should have transitioned earlier, it’s important to remember that life-changing decisions can’t be rushed. If you feel like you’re rushing things, take your time and then commit to your next chapter. 

At present, I’ve managed to find my rhythm and attained a favorable position. I even earned the Top Rated Plus badge, which was once a distant achievement!

Upwork Direct Contract Link:

Wearing Many Hats

Freelancers also have to wear many hats. Besides doing their main job, they have to handle administrative tasks, marketing, and accounting. Basically, they become the boss, the marketer, and the accountant of their own business.

The Bright Side of Freelancing

But there are good things about freelancing too. You get to choose the projects you work on, the clients you work with, and when you work. This freedom can make you really happy with your job. Freelancers can also learn and work in different industries, which can be exciting.

Technology has made freelancing easier. Online platforms connect freelancers with clients worldwide, giving them more opportunities and breaking down geographical barriers. This means freelancers can work with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

So, Is Freelancing Difficult?

Whether freelancing is hard or not depends on your perspective and how prepared you are. Yes, there are challenges, but freelancing also gives you freedom, independence, and a chance for good money. To succeed, you need skills, determination, and the ability to adapt. If you’re ready for the ups and downs, freelancing can be a really cool and fulfilling career choice.

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